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deep-fried sheep′s brain
炸羊脑  detail>>
deep-fried ox brain
炸牛脑  detail>>
sheep brain on toast
羊脑土司  detail>>
fried chicken brain
炒鸡脑  detail>>
fried ox brain
炸牛脑〔西菜名  detail>>
fried ox brain with vegetable
蔬菜牛脑〔西菜名 蔬菜炸牛脑  detail>>
fried ox brain with vegetables
蔬菜炸牛脑  detail>>
deep brain stimulation
深部脑刺激  detail>>
deep fried pork,fried flatfish
大虾天妇罗 炸猪排 炸虾排 炸墨鱼须 石鲽鱼  detail>>
fried sheep blood with cayenne pepper
麻辣羊血  detail>>
crispy deep-fried chicken
脆皮炸鸡  detail>>
deep fried chicken chunks
炸八块鸡  detail>>
deep fried dishes
辣味墨鱼须 炒牛榜 姜汁炒猪肉 牛肉蒜片 拌煎牛肉 萝卜泥拌滑子蘑 汁腌季节青菜 黄瓜沾酱 日本黄咸菜 中华冷豆腐 日式洋葱沙拉样 蒸牛舌 金针菇牛肉卷 烤安康鱼肝 烤鱼饼 菠菜炒鸡蛋 天妇罗  detail>>
deep fried potato pancake
土豆饼  detail>>
deep fried prawns
炸明虾  detail>>
deep fried spring chicken
炸童子鸡  detail>>
deep fried squid
酥炸鲜鱿  detail>>
deep fried squids
脆皮鱿鱼  detail>>